수신 : 전회원
To : All members
제목 : 2006년도 봄소풍 및 총회
Re : 2006 Spring Picnic and Annual General Meeting
회원여러분의 건승하심을 기원하오며 본 협회의 2006년도 봄소풍을 아래와 같이 개최하오니 가족 동반하시어 꼭 참석하여 주시기 바랍니다.
We are pleased to announce that 2006 Spring Picnic will be held as below. You are cordially welcome to join us with your family on our Spring Picnic
일시 : 2006년 5월 27일 (토)
Date : May 27, 2006 (Sat.)
장소 : 여주 영릉과 신륵사
Place : Yongnung Royal Tomb & Shinruk-sa temple
한국 스웨덴 협회 회장 최정필
Korean-Swedish Association
Chong-pil Choe, President
참석여부 : 준비관계로 필요하오니 2006년 5월 19일까지 참석여부를 꼭 알려주시기 바랍니다.
R.S.V.P : Kindly confirm your attendance latest by
May 19, 2006 to Ms. J.H. Kim(김진희)
Tel: (02) 507-2702 Fax: (02) 507-2704
Annual General Meeting
1. Date : May 27 (Sat.), 2006
2. Destination : Yongnung Royal Tomb & Shinruk-sa temple (여주 영릉, 신륵사) About 32 km. to the south of Seoul
3. Transportation : By bus (to be arranged by the Association)
4. Gathering Place : South Gate 2, Parking Lot 1 & 2, Olympic Park
- Please refer to attached map
- Parking lot available (KRW 3,000,-/day)
5. Gathering Time : May 27 (Sat.), 2006 09.00
6. Participant's preparation :
- Casual or sports-were with sports shoes
- Lunch
- Umbrella (just in case of rain)
- Portable mattress/cushion for sitting on the grass
7. Association's preparation :
- Beverages
- Recreation game and required tool/devices for game
- First aid kit
- Bus for transportation
8. Expenses : Free of charge
9. Program : 09.00 Gathering at South Gate 2 (P1 and P2)
09.30 Departure for Yongnung, Yo-Ju.
11.30 Arrival at Yongung Royal Tomb
11.30 Tour at Royal tomb site and Museum
12.30 Lunch
13.30 Recreation
14.30 leave for Sinruk-sa temple
15.30 Arrival at the temple 15.30
16.30 Leave for Seoul 17.00
18.00 Arrival at Seoul
10. Confirmation of participation (R.S.V.P.)
-Kindly confirm your attendance latest by May 19 (Fri.), 2006
Tel : (02) 507-2702
Fax : (02) 507-2704
Attn.: Ms J.H. Kim (김진희)
11. Contact mobile numbers : C.P. Choe 017-737-3305
S-H. Lee 011-242-0614