We are pleased to announce that the 2010 Spring picnic will be held as follows. You are cordially welcome to join us with your family at our Spring Picnic.
2010 년 한국-스웨덴 협회의 봄 소풍을 아래와 같이 개최합니다.
회원 여러분과 가족분의 참석을 환영합니다.
*일시: 2010년 5월8일
Date: May8, 2010 (Sat)
*장소: 여주 세종왕릉및 이천도자기 축제방문
Destination: King Sejong's Yongnung & 24th Icheon Ceramic Festival
*교통편: 버스로 이동 (협회준비)
Transportation: By bus (to be arranged by the Association)
*집합장소: South gate 2, Parking Lot 1&2, Olympic Park
Gathering place:
1. 집합시간 (Gathering time)
08:30 AM, May 8, 2010
2. 참석자 준비물: (Participants' Preparation)
-Casual or sportswear with sports shoes,
-Umbrella (in case of rain)
-Portable mattress
3. 협회 준비물(Association's preparation)
-First aid kit
-Bus arrangement
4. 비용 (Participation fee): Free of charge
5. 프로그램 (Program)
08:30-Gathering at South Gate 2(P1 &P2)
08:50-Departure for Yeongnueng
10:20- Arrive at Yeongnueng
12:20- Lunch
13:30-Incheon Ceramic Festival
16:30-Leave for Seoul
18:30- Arrive at Seoul
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